The purpose of this paper is to further reveal and explore the significance of expositions on “China’s Revolution” and “Women’s Writing” in Yan Hai-ping’s manuscripts on the history, politics and culture of the world through the perspective of transnational feminism. Putting Chinese Modern Women Writers and Their Literary Imagination in the Context of Global Expansion of Modernity of Capital Colonialism into Modern Ethnocentrism Establishing Strong Men in Political, Commercial, Knowledge and Social Fields in China through War and Economic Colonization In the reality of the dual difference between the weak and the weak, and the naturalization and substantiation, Yan Haiping’s monograph broke through the existing research models and achievements about Chinese women writers and feminists, not only showing the Chinese “revolutionary” women and their works In the more than half a century, the endless ethical connotation of resistance, change and creation has also revealed the alternative historical political sources, the heterogeneous cultural imagination and the specific cultural connotations of the feminist movement throughout the Third World. “Revolutionary” potential.