延安这座山城 ,在中国古代曾经是陕北的政治和文化中心 ,在后来的历史长河中失去了昔日的光辉。 1 935年中国工农红军长征到达陕北。1 937年 1月 7日 ,红军和中共中央由保安进驻延安 ,延安从此成为中国革命的摇篮和灯塔。其名字又响亮起来 ,为中外人士所注目。我年轻时就向往延
The mountain town of Yan’an, once a center of politics and culture in northern China in ancient China, lost its glorious past in its long history. In 1935, the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants arrived in northern Shaanxi. On January 7, 1937, the Red Army and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party were stationed in Yanan by security guards. Yanan has since become the cradle and lighthouse of the Chinese revolution. Its name again loud, for the attention of Chinese and foreign people. When I was young, I long for long