Measurement methods and analysis tools for rail irregularities: a case study for urban tram track

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanying
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Rail irregularities,in particular for urban railway infrastructures,are one of the main causes for the generation of noise and vibrations.In addition,repetitive loading may also lead to decay of the structural elements of the rolling stock.This further causes an increase in maintenance costs and reduction of service life.Monitoring these defects on a periodic basis enables the network rail managers to apply proactive measures to limit further damage.This paper discusses the measurement methods for rail corrugation with particular regard to the analysis tools for evaluating the thresholds of acceptability in relation to the tramway Italian transport system.Furthermore,a method of analysis has been proposed:an application of the methodology used for treating road profiles has been also utilized for the data processing of rail profilometric data. Rail irregularities, in particular for urban railway infrastructures, are one of the main causes for the generation of noise and vibrations. In addition, repetitive loading may also lead to decay of the structural elements of the rolling stock. This further causes an increase in maintenance costs and reduction of service life. Monitor on a periodic basis enables the network rail managers to apply proactive measures to limit further damage. This paper discusses the measurement methods for rail corrugation with particular regard to the analysis tools for evaluating the thresholds of acceptability in relation to the tramway Italian transport system. Futuremore, a method of analysis has been proposed: an application of the methodology used for treating road profiles has been also utilized for the data processing of rail profilometric data.
简单的操作,虽然不需要什么技术含量,但也有可能因为很小的失误引起火灾或事故.本文介绍的就是因普通家用车车前灯安装不良,在行驶中发生了火灾的案例.rn1 火灾概要rn(1)着火
Stone matrix asphalt(SMA) is a gap-graded bituminous mixture which can be used in surface layer of high volume pavements.The mixture has higher concentrations o
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