就世界范围来说,本世纪五十年代以来结核病的流行有明显好转。主要原因有二:一是有了结核病的化学疗法;二是卡介苗预防接种的成效。根据1977年第一期“世界卫生统计报告”中,世界卫生组织(WHO,下同)结核病科主任A Bulla综合全世界各地区的资料,认为1961至1971的十年间,全世界结核病的流行情况有所好转,但很不平衡。在那些工农业比较发达、防痨工作开展较早的北欧和北美少数国家,流行情况好转明显,接近于控制和基本消
In the world as a whole, there has been a marked improvement in the prevalence of tuberculosis since the 1950s. There are two main reasons: First, there is chemotherapy for tuberculosis; Second, the effectiveness of BCG vaccination. According to the first World Health Statistical Report of 1977, A Bulla, director of the Tuberculosis Unit of the World Health Organization (WHO), based on the data of various regions of the world, the prevalence of tuberculosis in the world during the ten years from 1961 to 1971 Better, but not very balanced. In those countries where agriculture and industry are more developed and anti-tuberculosis work earlier, the epidemic has improved markedly, close to control and basic elimination