Since the beginning of 1976, Ryanzanov’s film “Temptation of Destiny” or “Good Bath” (hereinafter referred to as “fate of fate”) will be broadcasted on major television stations such as New Year’s Day on the first channel of the Soviet Union. Has become the New Year’s tradition of the Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, many popular things have been abandoned, but the New Year’s Eve broadcast on Russia’s first channel, “Trickery of Destiny,” the tradition has been retained so far, can be described as the Russian New Year’s Eve repertoire. Fated for Fate, on the one hand due to its fascinating plot: New Year’s Eve masters and good friends in accordance with their tradition bath to bath, because drunk, my friends mistakenly sent him He went to Leningrad (now renamed St. Petersburg) for his plane and reported to the taxi driver about his home in Moscow