Horizontal mergers and acquisitions may bring cost savings to the participating companies to produce efficiency effects, but also may have anti-competitive effects. In the efficiency defense of horizontal merger and acquisition antitrust review, M & A firms can obtain the approval of antitrust authorities as long as they can demonstrate that the efficiency effect of cost saving can offset the anti-competitive effect and thus increase the total social welfare level. However, the cost savings and the degree of their realization are uncertain. The uncertainty of cost savings will not only affect the level of consumer surplus and social welfare, but also will affect the efficiency defense and the rule of determination of antitrust mergers and acquisitions review. Based on the Cournot model, this paper systematically analyzes the impact of cost-saving uncertainty on the efficiency defense, judgment rules and expected consumer welfare in the cross-border M & A antitrust assessment, and how to consider the efficiency factor for antitrust authorities in M & A review Provide decision-making reference.