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党委主体责任包括五个方面:一是加强领导,选好干部,防止出现选人用人上的不正之风和腐败问题;二是坚决纠正损害群众利益的行为;三是强化对权力运行的制约和监督,从源头上防治腐败;四是领导和支持执纪执法机关查处违纪违法问题;五是党委主要负责同志要管好班子、带好队伍、管好自己、当好廉洁从政的表率。 The main responsibilities of party committees include five aspects: First, to strengthen leadership and select cadres so as to prevent the unhealthy tenure and corruption on the selection and employment of personnel; second, to resolutely correct acts that harm the interests of the masses; third, to strengthen the restriction on the operation of power and Supervision and control of corruption at the source; fourthly, to lead and support the law enforcement agencies in law enforcement agencies to investigate and deal with the problems of law and discipline violations; and fifthly, the chief responsible comrades of party committees should take good care of their ranks, take good teams and manage themselves well.
摘 要:深入理解关联理论并将其运用在传达式听力理解中,有助于增强学生对间接语言的敏感性, 掌握正确的话语解码策略, 捕捉表层含义和深层含义之间的关联性, 提高理解能力、语用能力和交际英语能力,文章分析关联理论和传达式听力理解的关系,提出关联理论对英语听力教学的启发与运用策略。  关键词:关联理论;传达式听力  一、传达式听力和关联理论  听力可分为传达式听力(transactional liste