随着科学技术的发展,林业上也用电子计算机来分析森林资源动态变化、森林资源档案存贮、病虫害预测预报以及科研数据处理、分析等。市林业局于1984年底购进了一台 PC—1500A 微型电子计算机,进行森林资源二类调查抽样内业计算工作。在有关技术人员的配合下,设计编制计算程序,经全市的森林资源二类调查应用,取得了良好效果。一、抽样内业计算项目及说明这次抽样调查,是采用成群抽样的方法。以县为总体,机械布点(群),样群数设置200个以上,每个样群代表面积8—12km~2,每个群中又设置6—10个样点,各样点调查的树木株数由零至几十株不等,由角规控制检尺判断。每株树实测树高(H)、
With the development of science and technology, forestry also use electronic computers to analyze the dynamic changes of forest resources, archival storage of forest resources, prediction and forecast of pests and diseases and research data processing and analysis. Municipal Bureau of Forestry purchased a PC-1500A miniature computer at the end of 1984 to carry out the calculation of the second category of forest resources survey sampling industry. With the cooperation of relevant technical personnel, the design and calculation procedures have been compiled and the results of the second-class investigation and application of forest resources in the whole city have been made and achieved good results. First, the sampling industry, the calculation of the project and explain the sample survey, is the use of clustering method. The county as a whole, mechanical distribution (group), the number of samples set more than 200, each sample group representing an area of 8-12km ~ 2, each group and set 6-10 samples, Number of strains ranging from zero to several dozens, from the angle gauge control test to determine. Each tree measured tree height (H),