At present, environmental supervision positions face a higher risk of corruption. The promulgation of judicial interpretations of “two highs” not only reduces the threshold for admitting crimes of environmental pollution, but also makes clear that there are eight kinds of situations in which environmental regulatory crimes of dereliction of duty can be described as a “double-edged sword.” For a certain scale The signs of new projects “widening and strict management” are becoming clearer, and the pressure on environmental inspectors will be greater in the future. So, how to do a good job in environmental protection and clean government risk prevention work? First, adhere to the law, integrity as a code of conduct. Strengthen personnel quality and capacity building, pay close attention to the supervision of practical training and skills training, clear how to do to ensure that regulatory behavior is not offside, there is no shortage of seats; strengthen supervision of officers and workers of the hurried warning and conscientiously find the existing environmental monitoring dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty points, Environmental inspectors “eight no ” system to promote the supervision of staff in strict accordance with the statutory authority,