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思想道德修养课既不是纯粹的政治课,也不是单纯的德育课,如果不能驾驭教材内容,或是教学方法运用不当,这门课是不大受学生欢迎的。在教学实践中我体会到,要使学生真正掌握好该科教材内容,运用情感教育,讲究教学中高尚情操的感染美,是教好这门课的关键。在教学中,运用生动形象和高尚情操去感染学生,是引起教育对象情感变化,使之变被动接受为主动学习的重要方法。我在讲授“爱国主义”这一概念时,首先有感情地讲述了一段古老的传说:很久以前,南方海边的一户贫苦人家生了一个可爱的孩子,但却无法养活他。按照传统的习惯,父亲抓了一把家乡的黄土,装在红布袋里,系在孩子的脖子上,母亲让孩子尽情地吸了最后一次乳汁,然后把孩子放进木盆里,让他在大海中随波漂走……几十年过去了,孩子已成为老人,他按照红布袋上写明的地址,从异国他乡回到自己的故土,这时父母亲早已不在人世, The course of ideological and moral cultivation is neither a pure political lesson nor a pure moral lesson. If you can not control the content of the teaching materials or improperly apply the teaching methods, the course is not popular with students. In teaching practice, I realized that it is the key to teach this course that it is essential for students to have a good grasp of the content of this textbook, to use affective education and to pay attention to the beauty of infection in high morality in teaching. In teaching, using vivid images and noble sentiments to infect students is an important method that causes the emotional changes of the educated objects and makes them become passive learning. When I was telling the concept of “patriotism,” I first of all had an emotional talk about an ancient legend: Long ago, a poor man by the South Seaside had a lovely child but was unable to feed him. According to the traditional custom, father caught a hometown of loess, installed in the red bag, tied to the child’s neck, the mother let the child suck last milk, and then put the child in the tub, let him in The sea drift with the waves ... ... Decades passed, the child has become the elderly, according to his address on the red bag on the bag, from a foreign country back to his homeland, when parents have long been dead,
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本文论述丰田凯美瑞发动机ETCS-i(简称ETCS-i)组成及工作原理、相关故障信息及失效保护条件、功能,并以故障实例说明ETCS-i故障检测与排除步骤。 This article discusses th