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李家沟遗址隶属于河南省郑州市新密市岳村镇岗坡村李家沟村(图一)。2004~2006年,郑州市文物考古研究院进行了旧石器考古专项调查,发现了数量众多的旧石器和动物化石地点,李家沟遗址为其中之一。2009年4月、6月,北京大学考古文博学院和郑州市文研院共同对该遗址进行了复查。在出露的南、北断崖中发现了一批文化遗物,包括陶片、石制品、动物骨骼等。石制品中有用较小的燧石制成的凹缺刮器,也有石英砂岩制作而成的扁平石块。根据这些遗物初步判断,李家沟遗址为一处旧、新石器时代过渡的遗址,其时代可填补郑州地区史前文化的空白。由于遗址周围分布有煤矿,已有多处区域出现塌陷,加之降水和河流侧蚀等自然 Lijiagou site belongs to Lijiagou Village, Gangpou Village, Yuecun Town, Xinmi City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province (Figure 1). From 2004 to 2006, Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology conducted a special survey of Paleolithic archeology and discovered a large number of Paleolithic and animal fossil sites, one of which is Lijiagou Site. In April and June 2009, the Institute of Archeology and Museology, Peking University and Zhengzhou Institute of Culture jointly reviewed the site. A number of cultural relics were discovered in the exposed southern and northern cliffs, including pottery, stone products and animal bones. Stone products useful smaller chevron notch scraper, but also made of quartz sandstone made of flat stone. According to the preliminary judgment of these relics, the Lijiagou site is an ancient and Neolithic site, and its era can fill the blank of prehistoric culture in Zhengzhou. Due to the distribution of coal mines around the site, there have been collapses in various areas, coupled with natural precipitation and river erosion