The role of circulating miRNAs in multiple myeloma

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger20091
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Multiple myeloma(MM) is a common malignant hematological disease. Dysregulation of micro RNAs(mi RNAs) in MM cells and bone marrow microenviroment has important impacts on the initiation and progression of MM and drug resistance in MM cells. Recently, it was reported that MM patient serum and plasma contained sufficiently stable mi RNA signatures, and circulating mi RNAs could be identified and measured accurately from body fluid. Compared to conventional diagnostic parameters, the circulating mi RNA profile is appropriate for the diagnosis of MM and estimates patient progression and therapeutic outcome with higher specificity and sensitivity. In this review, we mainly focus on the potential of circulating mi RNAs as diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers for MM and summarize the general strategies and methodologies for identification and measurement of circulating mi RNAs in various cancers. Furthermore, we discuss the correlation between circulating mi RNAs and the cytogenetic abnormalities and biochemical parameters assessed in multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma (MM) is a common malignant hematological disease. Dysregulation of micro RNAs (mi RNAs) in MM cells and bone marrow microenviroment has important impacts on the initiation and progression of MM and drug resistance in MM cells. Recently, it was reported that Compared to conventional diagnostic parameters, the circulating mi RNA profile is suitable for the diagnosis of MM and estimates patient progression and therapeutic outcome with higher specificity and sensitivity. In this review, we mainly focus on the potential of circulating mi RNAs as diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers for MM and summarize the general strategies and methodologies for identification and measurement of circulating mi RNAs in various cancers. Furthermore, we discuss the correlation between circulating mi RNAs and the cytogen etic abnormalities and biochemical parameters assessed in multiple myeloma.
动众,即移动中的受众,或者说是接收移动媒体信息的受众,是随着移动媒体的出现和逐渐普及而诞生的受众群,它包括乘坐具有移动电视的公共交通工具如公共汽车、出租车、地铁、列车等的乘客(司机和乘务员在接收移动媒体传播的信息时也成为动众),在移动环境中接收广播信息(如公交车上的广播听众)的受众也算是动众。最典型的动众是公交车移动电视的受众。  动众是与静众相对应的概念。所谓静众是学术界此前所讲的受众,如报刊的
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