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新中国成立后,为了保障国民经济和社会发展计划的顺利实施,我国从第一个五年计划开始就确定了包括煤田、铁矿以及有色金属等大量的勘查项目。为了解决勘查、工程质量及提供可供矿山建设计划的勘探报告和储量等问题,全国储委决定:暂时参照使用前苏联规范作为审查批准矿产报告和储量的依据。1954年,先后将前苏联多种矿产规范翻译出版,对我国的矿产和报告编写、审批以及矿山设计、矿山生产起到了很大的作用。 After the founding of New China, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the national economic and social development plan, China has determined a large number of exploration projects including coalfields, iron ore and non-ferrous metals from the first five-year plan. In order to solve the problems of exploration, project quality and providing exploration reports and reserves for mining construction plans, the National Committee of the State Council decided that the reference to the use of the former Soviet Union should be tentatively made as the basis for review and approval of mineral reports and reserves. In 1954, many kinds of mineral specifications of the former Soviet Union were successively translated and published, which played a great role in compiling and approving mineral resources and reports, as well as mine design and mine production in our country.