【关键词】修辞 修辞格 赏析
修辞(rhetoric)就是在应用语言的时候,根据特定的目的, 精心的选择语言的过程。运用各种语言文字材料,各种表现手法,来恰当地表达思想和感情,力求把话说得更正确、明白,使文章更加的生动、精彩。修辞格(figures of speech)是在修饰语言的过程中, 形成的具有独特的表达效果的比较固定的格式, 也称修辞手段,修辞方式等。恰当的使用修辞格,可以使语言生动形象, 意蕴优美, 更具说服力和感染力。现从英语意象方面就《高级英语》教材中的修辞格进行发掘和赏欣。
1.明喻 (simile)。
(1) I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. (Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.)
(2) The wind (Hurricane Camile) sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. (Face to Face with Hurricane Camile)
句(1)摘自于英国首相丘吉尔《关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话》。 这位强悍的英国首相把德国凶残, 野蛮的士兵比作成群结队, 且对农作物可以造成灭顶之灾的蝗虫。 因为两者有着共同的特点——制造毁灭,深刻的揭露并批判了德国法西斯的凶残。句(2)中作者把卡米尔号飓风的声响(the sound of the wind)比作在身边呼啸而过的列车发出的响声(the roar of a passing train),非常的贴切、生动、形象。比直接说飓风发出震耳欲聋的声响要更加的易于接受和理解。
2.隐喻 (metaphor)。
(1) The conversation was on wings. (Pub Talk and the King’s English)
(2) Serious looking men spoken to one another as if they were obvious of the crowds about them, and bobbed up and down repeatedly in little bows. (Hiroshima — the “Liveliest” City in Japan )
句(1)中,作者把酒肆里热闹的闲聊(conversation)的热闹场面比作一个振翅高飞的鸟(a bird flying and soaring), 以此来描述说话的热烈的氛围。而句(2)中的比喻更是形象贴切,bob up and down指某一物体在水面上迅速的上下运动。而这里用来比喻日本人鞠躬的样子或姿势,即 bow repeatedly,使滑稽之态跃然纸上。
3.借喻 (metonymy)。
... for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax. (Mark Twin — Mirror of America)
作者运用了借喻的修辞手法,指出:他(马克·吐温)的新闻报道比他开采出的矿产赚的钱还要多。即把“pen”比喻为“reporting”, 把“pickax” 比喻为“unsuccessful mining”。
4.提喻 (synecdoche)。
(1) Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers... (Mark Twin — Mirror of America)
(2) The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied—a cosmos.(Mark Twin — Mirror of America)
句(1)中的“current” 一詞,原指 “a stream of water or air”, 而这里喻指“the main developing direction of things”。“flotsam” 本指“the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the sea”, 而在本課中指“bad things”。句(2)中,“the cast of characters”本指“电影或剧本的演员表(the cast in a play or film)”,这里喻指“各种各样的人物(people of all sorts)” ;而“cosmos” 本指“宇宙(universe)”, 这里指“大千世界(a place where one can find all types of characters)”。
【关键词】修辞 修辞格 赏析
修辞(rhetoric)就是在应用语言的时候,根据特定的目的, 精心的选择语言的过程。运用各种语言文字材料,各种表现手法,来恰当地表达思想和感情,力求把话说得更正确、明白,使文章更加的生动、精彩。修辞格(figures of speech)是在修饰语言的过程中, 形成的具有独特的表达效果的比较固定的格式, 也称修辞手段,修辞方式等。恰当的使用修辞格,可以使语言生动形象, 意蕴优美, 更具说服力和感染力。现从英语意象方面就《高级英语》教材中的修辞格进行发掘和赏欣。
1.明喻 (simile)。
(1) I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. (Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.)
(2) The wind (Hurricane Camile) sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. (Face to Face with Hurricane Camile)
句(1)摘自于英国首相丘吉尔《关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话》。 这位强悍的英国首相把德国凶残, 野蛮的士兵比作成群结队, 且对农作物可以造成灭顶之灾的蝗虫。 因为两者有着共同的特点——制造毁灭,深刻的揭露并批判了德国法西斯的凶残。句(2)中作者把卡米尔号飓风的声响(the sound of the wind)比作在身边呼啸而过的列车发出的响声(the roar of a passing train),非常的贴切、生动、形象。比直接说飓风发出震耳欲聋的声响要更加的易于接受和理解。
2.隐喻 (metaphor)。
(1) The conversation was on wings. (Pub Talk and the King’s English)
(2) Serious looking men spoken to one another as if they were obvious of the crowds about them, and bobbed up and down repeatedly in little bows. (Hiroshima — the “Liveliest” City in Japan )
句(1)中,作者把酒肆里热闹的闲聊(conversation)的热闹场面比作一个振翅高飞的鸟(a bird flying and soaring), 以此来描述说话的热烈的氛围。而句(2)中的比喻更是形象贴切,bob up and down指某一物体在水面上迅速的上下运动。而这里用来比喻日本人鞠躬的样子或姿势,即 bow repeatedly,使滑稽之态跃然纸上。
3.借喻 (metonymy)。
... for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax. (Mark Twin — Mirror of America)
作者运用了借喻的修辞手法,指出:他(马克·吐温)的新闻报道比他开采出的矿产赚的钱还要多。即把“pen”比喻为“reporting”, 把“pickax” 比喻为“unsuccessful mining”。
4.提喻 (synecdoche)。
(1) Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers... (Mark Twin — Mirror of America)
(2) The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied—a cosmos.(Mark Twin — Mirror of America)
句(1)中的“current” 一詞,原指 “a stream of water or air”, 而这里喻指“the main developing direction of things”。“flotsam” 本指“the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the sea”, 而在本課中指“bad things”。句(2)中,“the cast of characters”本指“电影或剧本的演员表(the cast in a play or film)”,这里喻指“各种各样的人物(people of all sorts)” ;而“cosmos” 本指“宇宙(universe)”, 这里指“大千世界(a place where one can find all types of characters)”。