研究生物体内磷的活动最有效的方法是:~(32)P-~(33)P 双标记法和~(31)P-NMR(核磁共振法).本文介绍用这两种方法研究植物根系对磷的吸收和运转的有关知识。磷有~(32)P 和~(33)P 两种放射性同位素,100%为β射线。用液体闪烁计数器可以同时测定两种同位素的能量差异。Elliott 等(1984年)用~(32)P 和~(33)P 同时测定正常状况下玉米根的 P 注入量和扩散量。有关高等植物根向周围培养基扩散磷的程度及其机制,尚未有一致的认识。因而他们将玉米根在~(32)P 标记的培养基中培育48小时后,移至不含磷的培养基中培育10分钟,除去根系自由空间中的磷之后,再转到~(33)P 标记的培养基中,然后测定~(33)P 的注入量和~(32)P 的扩散量,连续3次
The most effective ways to study the activity of phosphorus in organisms are: (32) P ~ (33) P double labeling and ~ (31) P-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) method.In this paper, Knowledge of phosphorus uptake and operation. Phosphorus has ~ (32) P and ~ (33) P two radioactive isotopes, 100% for the beta ray. The liquid scintillation counter allows simultaneous determination of the energy difference between two isotopes. Elliott et al. (1984) used P (32) P and P (33) P simultaneously to determine P infusions and diffusivities in maize roots under normal conditions. There is no consistent understanding of the extent and mechanism by which higher plants diffuse phosphorus in the surrounding medium. Therefore, they cultivated maize roots in ~ (32) P-labeled medium for 48 hours and then transferred to non-phosphorus medium for 10 minutes. After removing the phosphorus in the root free space, P-labeled medium, and then the amount of infusions of ~ (33) P and the amount of diffusions of ~ (32) P were measured three times in succession