14.1 一般要求手册的前面部分,已详细叙述了用于红外系统中的探测器特性。这些探测器的阻抗在几Ω—几百兆Ω范围,它的输出通常在微伏量级。前置放大器的主要目的是产生信号放大,把探测器来的信号放大到足以用电缆进行
14.1 General requirements The detector characteristics used in infrared systems have been described in detail earlier in this manual. The impedance of these detectors is in the range of a few ohms to a few hundred megahertz, and its output is usually on the order of millivolts. The main purpose of the preamplifier is to generate a signal amplification that amplifies the signal from the detector enough to be carried by a cable