射阳县自1985年以来,在健康教育工作上开展了许多有益的尝试,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。我们开展社区健康教育的做法和体会是:1 多种形式开展健康教育,全方位灌输健康知识1·1 建立健康教育乡、村 1986年我县曾在临海镇中五村办起了“读报村”,家家户户都有卫生报,经常组织读报用报活动,尔后在新洋乡新园村办起了层次更高的“健康教育村”,落实了“七有”,即有组织、有
Sheyang County has carried out many useful attempts in health education since 1985 and has achieved good social and economic benefits. Our practices and experiences in developing community health education are: 1 Conducting health education in various forms and instilling health knowledge in an all-round way 1.1.1 Establishing health education Townships and villages In 1986, our county once organized a “reading report” in Zhongwu Village, Linhai Town. The village has household health reports and often organizes newspapers and newspapers to use newspapers. Later in the Xinyuan Village of Xinyang Township, a higher level “health education village” was established and “seven health” villages were implemented.