初冬时节,皑皑白雪像一层厚厚的地毯悄然无声地覆盖了大兴安岭北坡,笼罩了漫山遍野的浩瀚林海。我来到大兴安岭两个月,还没有到岭北的古莲去看看,传说那里是雪的故乡。我请求老猎人拉基米带我去,拉基米欣然应允。 我和拉基米上路了。他为了我们行程的安全,特意带上他的猎枪和他心爱的八条狗。别看拉基米已六十出头,走起
Early winter season, snow-capped snow like a thick carpet silently covering the northern slope of Daxinganling, enveloped the vast sea of mountains and plains. I came to Daxinganling two months, have not yet to the ancient lotus Lingbei to see, there is the legend of the snow home. I asked the old hunter, Rakhimi, to take me there, and Rakhimi readily agreed. I’m on the road with Rakhimi. For the sake of the safety of our journey, he brought his shotgun and his eight beloved dogs purposely. Do not look at Kimi Rakyat in his early 60s, walked up