甲状腺伴胸腺样分化的梭形细胞肿瘤(spindle cell tumor with thymus-like differentiation,SETTLE)是一种罕见的生长缓慢的甲状腺低度恶性肿瘤,国内报道<10例~([1-3])。该肿瘤由Chan等~([4])于1991年首次报道。本文报道2例甲状腺SETTLE,并复习既往相关文献,以提高对这种甲状腺罕见肿瘤的认识和诊断的敏感性。1材料与方法1.1材料例1女性,32岁。查体发现颈前肿块2周余,无明显其他不适症状。查体:肿物位于左侧甲
Spindle cell tumor with thymus-like differentiation (SETTLE) is a rare low-grade thyroid tumor with slow growth. It has been reported in 10 cases ~ (1-3) in China. This tumor was first reported by Chan et al. ([4]) in 1991. This article reports 2 cases of thyroid SETTLE, and reviewed previous literature to improve awareness of this rare thyroid tumor and the diagnosis of sensitivity. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials Example 1 Female, 32 years old. Examination of the neck before the tumor was found more than 2 weeks, no obvious other symptoms. Physical examination: the tumor is located in the left armor