
来源 :皖南医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisanshuxuejj
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从1979年7~8月到1981年1~2月,笔者用大剂量复方甲地孕酮片(口服避孕片2号)对雌犬生殖能力的影响进行了观察,现报导如下:用发育正常具有生殖能力的雌犬6只,年龄3~4岁,体重在15~20公斤之间.分为实验及对照两组,每组3只,两组都任其自由活动,喂养方法也跟平时一样,不作任何改变.1979年上半年雌犬 From 1979 July to August 1981 to January 1981, the author with a large dose of megesterone tablets (oral contraceptive tablets No. 2) on the reproductive capacity of female dogs were observed, are reported as follows: with normal development Female reproductive capacity of 6 dogs, aged 3 to 4 years old, weighing 15 to 20 kg. Divided into experimental and control groups of two, each group of three, both free their own activities, feeding methods also with the usual Similarly, without any change in the first half of 1979 female dog
在《圣经》中有这样的记载,亚当和夏娃偷吃了伊甸园中的智慧果之后,便有了羞耻之心,原本赤身裸体相对不觉得有何不妥的他们用无花果叶遮住了自己的下体。从此,裸体变得“有伤风化”,虽然这只是《圣经》中的故事,但裸体之所以成为禁忌,大抵都与羞耻或风化有关。  裸体在中国艺术和西方艺术中呈现了截然不同的面貌,从根本上来说主要是由中国与西方文化差异所造成的。西方艺术中的裸体大多与宗教、宣扬自由与人性之美有关,而