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绿色是生命的底色,绿色是人与自然和谐的象征。党的十六届三中全会以来。树立和落实科学发展观,作为推进全面建设小康社会的重大决策,极大地推动了全国林业事业的发展。在3月12日植树节到来之际,6700万燕赵儿女寄情于绿,铭志于林,积极履行公民的植树义务,在2005年的春天奏响了“携手共建绿色家园”的雄浑乐章。石家庄市:努力打造全省“首善之区”植树节期间,石家庄市在汊河工程区、滹沱河防护林带建设工程区、小壁林区组织了大型义务植树及营造各种纪念林活动。省会各界参加义务植树的热情空前高涨,仅省会就有3万人次参加了义务植树活动。省市四大班子及军区领导,机关干部.企业职工,省会13家新闻单位记者、编辑,各界读者朋友,青年学生,驻石官兵,市民群众等通过参加义务植树,营造各种纪念林活动来履行自己的义务植树责任。 Green is the background of life, green is a symbol of harmony between man and nature. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee. To establish and implement the scientific concept of development as a major policy for promoting the building of an overall well-to-do society has greatly promoted the development of forestry in the country. On March 12, when the Arbor Day came, 67 million children of Yan and Zhao dwells in Green and Ming Zhi Yu Lin, actively fulfilling their citizens’ tree-planting obligations and played a “green hand in hand in building the green homeland” in the spring of 2005. Enchanting movement. Shijiazhuang: Strive to build the province “area of ​​the first good ” During the Arbor Day, Shijiazhuang City in Bahe project area, Hutuohe shelterbelts construction area, small forest area organized large-scale voluntary tree planting and create a variety of commemorative forest activities. The enthusiasm of all walks of life in the provincial capital to participate in voluntary tree planting has risen ever higher. Only 30,000 people attended the voluntary tree planting activities in the capital. Provincial and municipal leaders and organs of the military leaders, cadres of enterprises and workers, the provincial capital 13 news unit reporters, editors, friends from all walks of life, young students, officers and soldiers stationed in the city, the public, through volunteer tree planting and create a variety of commemorative forest activities Fulfill their own obligations to plant trees.
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