2014年12月17、18两日,诺贝尔奖得主尤努斯的行程被安排得满满当当。17日早上,格莱珉中国与京东集团签署合作备忘录的新闻发布会结束后,他马上坐高铁从北京去徐州。紧接着又是两个多小时的大巴,从徐州东火车站前往新沂市窑湾镇陆口村。到达时,夕阳西下,天空已灰暗下来。在村口,村民们敲锣打鼓,还表演了舞狮,用他们能够想到的最高规格的仪式欢迎尤努斯一行的到来。土墙上、电线杆上贴满了红纸,上面用毛笔写着“WELCOME TO
On December 17 and 18, 2014, the trip of Nobel Prize winner Yunus was arranged full schedule. On the morning of the 17th, after the news briefing on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Grameen China and Jingdong Group, he immediately took a high-speed rail from Beijing to Xuzhou. Followed by more than two hours of the bus, from Xuzhou East Railway Station to Xinyi City, Wan Bay Town, Lukou Village. When it arrived, the sun set in the sky and the sky was dark. At the entrance to the village, the villagers rang drums and performed lion dance, welcoming Yunus and his party with the highest-quality ceremonies they could think of. Earthen walls, poles covered with red paper, the above written with a brush ”WELCOME TO