平流程准两年振荡(QBO)是赤道平流层(~100-1 hPa)变率的主要模态,可对中高纬地区的环流产生重要影响,但目前利用通用大气环流模式(GCM)对其进行准确模拟仍然是一个挑战.本文利用IAP大气环流模式(IAP-AGCM)的中高层大气模式版本(IAP-AGCML69)对QBO进行模拟,并对其动量收支情况进行分析.研究发现,QBO主要是由对流活动引起的重力波强迫(参数化)引起的,但该动量强迫被平流层赤道上升流所引起的平流过程显著削弱.模式可分辨尺度的波动强迫对赤道上空的QBO的总纬向风倾向有正贡献,在上平流层,其量值大小与参数化的重力波强迫相当.以上结果提供了QBO形成机制以及模式模拟差异可能原因的认识.“,”The quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO),a dominant mode of the equatorial stratospheric (~100-1 hPa) variability,is known to impact tropospheric circulation in the middle and high latitudes.Yet,its realistic simulation in general circulation models remains a challenge.The authors examine the simulated QBO in the 69-layer version of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric General Circulation Model (IAP-AGCML69) and analyze its momentum budget.The authors find that the QBO is primarily caused by parameterized gravity-wave forcing due to tropospheric convection,but the downward propagation of the momentum source is significantly offset by the upward advection of zonal wind by the equatorial upwelling in the stratosphere.Resolved-scale waves act as a positive contribution to the total zonal wind tendency of the QBO over the equator with comparable magnitude to the gravity-wave forcing in the upper stratosphere.Results provide insights into the mechanism of the QBO and possible causes of differences in models.