Spin concentration is one of the most important and most difficult to accurately measure EPR spectral data and is commonly measured using comparative methods. Classical comparison techniques require that unknown and standard samples be recorded under exactly the same experimental conditions, which is practically difficult to achieve, especially when the sample is changed, often resulting in a significant change in instrument sensitivity due to the difference in dielectric loss of the sample . Some authors use fixed internal standards as an indication of changes in instrument sensitivity to eliminate the error caused by instrumental factors, but only for applications where fixed internal standards do not overlap with unknown or standard sample signals. This paper discussed in detail the quantitative method, and made some improvements, put forward a set of fixed internal standard series and working standard series, together with the corresponding experimental procedures, to meet the needs of a variety of sample measurements. Experiments show that: this quantitative method has better reproducibility and accuracy. The concept of equivalent spin number is also introduced and a uniform unit for comparing the signal intensities of different types of samples is proposed, together with a formula for calculating the weight percentage of paramagnetic ions from the equivalent spin concentration. Finally, the relative saturation characteristic parameter Sx is proposed and used