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敌稗、西维因混剂是用不同比例的敌稗与西维因选配成的对柑桔类果树有高度选择性的除草剂。每亩施用敌稗0.4斤加西维因0.05斤,其杀草效力很强,对柑桔的叶片和根系都较安全。叶面喷洒的除草效果较土壤处理的好。 叶面喷洒后10天内,日平均温度22℃以上,能杀死大多数一年生杂草,其除草率达90%左右,抑草期长达45~60天;日均温18℃以下,效果稍差,抑草期约30~35天。 一年中在低温期(4~5月)使用草甘膦或敌草隆或除草剂1号一次;在高温期(6~7月)使用敌稗西维因混剂一次的除草效果,可相当于一般柑桔园全年人工除草5~6次的除草水平,这样可省工70%左右,费用亦省50%以上。 Propanil, Xiweiyin mixture is the use of different proportions of propanil and West Vinaigrette citrus fruit trees are highly selective herbicides. The application of 0.4 kilograms of barnyardgrass per kilogram of caducene 0.05 kg per acre, its herbivorous effect is very strong, the citrus leaves and roots are safer. Leaf spraying weeding better soil treatment. Foliar spray within 10 days, the average daily temperature above 22 ℃, can kill most annual weeds, its weeding rate of 90%, the weed period of 45 to 60 days; daily average temperature below 18 ℃, the effect is slightly Poor, weed control about 30 to 35 days. Glyphosate or diuron or herbicide No. 1 was used once in the low temperature period (Apr. to May); once weeding effect of the mixture of Amiren and Cimetidine was used during the high temperature period (Jun. ~ Jul.) Equivalent to 5 to 6 times the weed level of artificial citrus in the general citrus orchard throughout the year, which can save about 70% of the labor cost, and save over 50% of the cost.
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前言 小观大队栽植梨树有近百年的历史。解放初期,630亩梨树,年产量只三、四万斤。以后加强了综合管理,1964年总产达220万斤,平均亩产是3493斤。产量仍然较低,增产潜力尚未充
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  Intramuscular fat deposition and the fatty acid profiles of beef are determined mainly by lipid metabolism, which dictates the balance between fat depositio