患者女,26岁。因与人口角吃红矾5g多,即感恶心、呕吐,先吐出为胃内容物,后吐出“黄水”及几口血,并觉胸前区及上腹部烧灼样疼痛。无昏迷,尿色深,大便正常。在当地医院行补液等治疗后病情未见好转即转本院急诊。当时测血压7.98/0kPa。给予多巴胺、阿拉明处理后血压10.64/7.98kPa,收入院。体检:T37℃、P64次、R20次,BP13.3/9.31kPa,神清,精神差,心肺(-),腹软,剑突下压痛(+)、无反跳痛,肾区叩击痛(+),四肢无肿胀,神经系统(-),实验室检查:血K~+ 2.8mmol/L Cr45mg%,BUN 12.56mmol/L,余辅助检
Female patient, 26 years old. As a result of eating more than 5g of red alum, the patient feels nausea and vomiting. He first spits out stomach contents and then spits “yellow water” and a few mouthfuls of blood. He also feels painful burning in his chest and upper abdomen. No coma, dark urine, normal stool. In the local hospital after rehydration and other treatment did not improve the condition of the hospital emergency room. At that time, blood pressure was measured at 7.98 / 0kPa. Given dopamine, Alamin treatment of blood pressure 10.64 / 7.98kPa, income hospital. Physical examination: T37 ℃, P64 times, R20 times, BP13.3 / 9.31kPa, Shen Qing, poor spirit, cardiopulmonary (-), abdominal softness, tenderness under the xiphoid (+), Limbs without swelling, nervous system (-), laboratory tests: blood K ~ +2.8mmol / L Cr45mg%, BUN 12.56mmol / L,