四川省成都市青羊区琴台路,一条弥漫着中国古典文化氛围的街区。街道两侧一栋栋古色古香、雕梁画栋的各色建筑,让来访者凭添了几分对具有悠久历史的巴蜀文化的遐想。 琴台路7号,一栋与周边建筑和谐相映的普通楼房,外观造型并无特殊之处。然而,当你漫步在琴台路上,与这栋楼擦肩而过时,楼房临街一面的墙壁上,一楼大厅玻璃窗上,那醒目的、滚烫发热的词语,令你不能不驻足观看: “关心社会保险,就是关心您自己。” “社会保险进万家,真情温暖你我他”。 “不管您在那里干,养老保险接着算。” “个人医疗有保障,哪里工作都一样。”
Qintai Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, a block full of Chinese classical culture. On both sides of the street, a series of colorful buildings with dazzling architecture and elaborate architecture allow visitors to enjoy the reverie of Bashu culture with a long history. On the 7th Qintai Road, an ordinary building that is harmonious with the surrounding buildings has no special appearance. However, as you stroll the Qintai Road and pass the building, you will have to stop and watch on the glass wall on the street side of the building and the striking, hot and hot words on the first floor lobby glass. Concerned about social insurance, is to care about yourself. “” Social insurance into the million, warm-hearted you and me him. “ ”No matter where you are doing, endowment insurance goes on.“ ”Personal care is secure and wherever you work."