即使面对最复杂的地形,带有越野智能软件的采埃孚As Tronic 12挡AMT变速器也能提供快速、平顺和可靠的换挡体验。对于一辆卡车来说,要在采石场内泥泞不堪、沙土飞扬和石块丛起的复杂路况中突出重围,需要非同寻常的力量和性能。搭载366 kW科索13 L发动机的8×4新依维柯Trakker AD-410T50工程卡车做到了——我们的试驾在第一时间见证了这一幕。《商用汽车》特约撰稿人近期在意
The ZF As Tronic 12-speed AMT transmission with off-road intelligence software provides a fast, smooth and reliable shift experience even in the face of the most complex terrain. For a truck to stand out in the quarry with muddy, sandy and rocky bumps that require extraordinary strength and performance. The 8x4 new Iveco Trakker AD-410T50 construction truck powered by a 366 kW Cosine 13 L engine was the first to see our test drive. Commercial copywriters recently cared about it