认真总结经验 推进党政同责——吉林省开展县(市、区)委书记话安全采访活动效果好

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日前,吉林省开展的县(市、区)委书记话安全采访活动,在社会上引起强烈反响,使各地在安全生产工作上的经验得到很好的总结和交流,使“党政同责”得到进一步推进和落实。从今年6月份开始,吉林省开展了安全生产隐患大检查大整改工作。在此期间,省委、省政府相继出台了《关于加快构建安全发展长效机制的意见》等一系列制度,强化组织领导,明确“党政同责”的重大举措。半年多的时间过去了,各地如何落实省委、省政府这一决定,如何身体多家媒体同时推进 Recently, the county (city, district) committee secretary’s safety interview conducted in Jilin Province has aroused strong repercussions in the society so that the experience of work safety work in various places can be well summarized and exchanged. As a result, “Get further promotion and implementation. Starting from June this year, Jilin Province has conducted a major inspection and rectification work on hidden dangers in production safety. During this period, the provincial party committee and government successively promulgated a series of ”Opinions on Speeding up the Establishment of a Long-term Mechanism for Security Development“ and other series of measures to reinforce the leadership of the organization and clarify major measures of ”equal responsibility with party and government." More than six months have passed, how to implement the decision of the provincial party committee and the provincial government around the body how to push forward with more than one body of media
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