
来源 :塑料助剂 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjfc000
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为了适应经济建设发展的需要,促进我国塑料助剂行业整体水平的提高,介绍行业动向及最新技术进展,加强塑料助剂行业内及与相关行业相互间交流,计划于2017年10月下旬召开2017年塑料助剂生产与应用技术信息交流会。会议期间将进行技术、学术和市场信息交流,并出版《2017年塑料助剂生产与应用技术信息交流会论文集》。《2017年助剂生产与应用技术信息交流会论文集》的各项工作已经展开,现向国内有关大专院校以及塑料加工助剂(增塑剂、阻燃剂、热稳定剂、抗氧剂、光稳定剂、抗冲改性剂、加工改性剂、抗静电 In order to meet the needs of economic construction and development, and promote the improvement of the overall level of plastic additives industry in our country, introduce the industry trends and the latest technological advances, and strengthen the plastic additives industry and related industries to communicate with each other, scheduled for 2017 2017 in late 2017 Plastic additives production and application of technical information exchange meeting. During the meeting will be technical, academic and market information exchange, and published “2017 Plastics Additives production and application of technical exchange of information Proceedings.” “2017 Assistant Production and Application of Technical Information Conference Proceedings,” the work has been started, is to the domestic colleges and universities and plastic processing aids (plasticizers, flame retardants, heat stabilizers, antioxidants , Light stabilizer, impact modifier, processing modifier, antistatic
AIM:To determine the therapeutic effect of lamivudine in late pregnancy for the interruption of motherto-child transmission(MTCT) of hepatitis B virus(HBV).METH
患者女性,56岁,以阵发性心悸人院,发病特点为突发骤止,多于劳累及情绪激动时发作,无需用药均能自行缓解,无心前区疼痛,血压120/80mmHg(1mm lHg=0.133 kPa),心肺无异常体征,无下肢静脉曲张。发作时心电图为典型室上性心动过速(室上速)表现。建立双股静脉通路,自左股静脉鞘管送人3根电极导管分别至冠状静脉窦、高位右心房、
A 2-D cyclic variation of integrated backscatter (CVIB) imaging method was established for detecting myocardial ischemia. To demonstrate the feasibility and val
1病历摘要  男,18岁.因上腹部疼痛10天于1999年1月13日入院.无发热,无恶心、呕吐及黑便.曾在家口服雷尼替丁效果差.既往体健,无药物过敏史.人院查体:T 36.7℃,P 75次/min,R 18次/min,BP 120/70 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133kPa),巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结无肿大,心、肺阴性,上腹部压痛,无肌紧张、反跳痛,肝、脾肋下未触及,肠鸣音正常.实验室检查:血