Treatment of patients with alcoholic liver disease

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ffgghhaz
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BACKGROUND; The proportion of alcoholic liver disease among all kinds of liver diseases in China is increasing. Re- cent research has elucidated the mechanisms of alcohol-in- duced liver injury and offered the prospect of advances in the management of alcoholic liver disease. DATA RESOURCES; Searching MEDLINE ( 1982-July 2004) for papers on alcoholic liver disease, especially those on the treatment of alcoholic liver disease. RESULTS: Abstinence remains the cornerstone of manage- ment of all forms of alcoholic liver disease. Nutritional sup- port therapy is also a basal treatment. Corticosteroids may be benefitial for some severe alcoholic hepatitis. None of other measures including anti-inflammatory agents, antioxi- dants or colchicine has been shown consistently to improve the course of alcoholic liver damage. Ultimately, liver transplantation remains an option for selected patients with liver failure due to chronic alcoholic liver disease. CONCLUSIONS: Abstinence and nutritional support re- main the base management of alcoholic liver disease. Corti- costeroid is efficient for some severe alcoholic hepatitis. Anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants may be of bene- fit but need further studies. The efficacy of other measures including the use of colchicine and propylthiouracil is con- troversial. Liver transplantation remains an option for se- lected patients with liver failure. BACKGROUND; The proportion of alcoholic liver disease among all kinds of liver diseases in China is increasing. Re-cent research has elucidated the mechanisms of alcohol-in- duced liver injury and offered the prospect of advances in the management of alcoholic liver disease. DATA RESOURCES; Searching MEDLINE (1982-July 2004) for papers on alcoholic liver disease, especially those on the treatment of alcoholic liver disease. RESULTS: Abstinence remains the cornerstone of manage- ment of all forms of alcoholic liver disease. Nutritional sup- port therapy Corticosteroids may be benefitial for some severe alcoholic hepatitis. None of other measures including anti-inflammatory agents, antioxi- dants or colchicine has been shown consistently to improve the course of alcoholic liver damage. Ultimately, liver transplantation remains an option for selected patients with liver failure due to chronic alcoholic liver disease. CONCLUSIONS: Abstinence and Nutrition sup port re- main the base management of alcoholic liver disease. Corti- costeroid is efficient for some severe alcoholic hepatitis. Anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants may be of bene- fit but need further studies. The efficacy of other measures including the use of colchicine and propylthiouracil is con- troversial. Liver transplantation remains an option for se lected patients with liver failure.
1美国AH-64“阿帕奇”武装直升机AH-64武装直升机是由麦·道飞机公司制造、为美国陆军目前的主力双座武装直升机。1989年。美国入侵巴拿马时,AH-64首次投入实战。 1 AH-64 A
自 198 1年美国首先报道在同性恋患者中出现后天获得性免疫缺陷 ,至 1983年法国学者蒙太尼从病人淋巴结中分离得淋巴结疾病相关病毒 (LAV病毒 ) ,1984年美国病毒学专家亦报道
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