
来源 :中华活页文选(七年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuq
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秋风起了。嫩嫩的苞米粒变硬了,豆角叶变黄了,柿子晒红了脸,沉甸甸的倭瓜拽折了枝蔓。房盖上,红一块、绿一块的,晒满了胡萝卜和豆角丝。我帮姥姥把豆角子和豌豆子摘下来,穿上线,挂在房檐下。 Autumn has started. Tender corn kernels hardened, bean leaves turn yellow, persimmon sun red face, the heavy pumpkin pulled off the branches and dendrites. Housing cover, a red, green piece, sun dried carrots and beans wire. I helped my grandmother pick beans and peas off, put on the line, hanging under the eaves.