The runoff of a river basin is affected by many factors and the change is complex. It is difficult to find out the evolution law of the runoff based solely on the statistic data of the observatory. Based on the chaos theory, the monthly runoff time series of Wazhou station, Lijiadu station and Fufengkeng station which are located in the Poyang Lake into the lake are described in detail as a method to calculate the number of chaotic features in the time series. Firstly, phase-space reconstruction parameters such as time delay τ and embedding dimension m are selected by C-C method. Phase space reconstruction is performed on this basis. The maximum Lypanuov exponent is calculated by using G-P correlation integral method and Rosenstein small data volume method. The results show that the saturation correlation dimension of monthly runoff series at Wazhou station, Lijiadu station and Fufengkeng station entering Poyang Lake is non-integer, and the maximum Lyapunov exponent is also positive, which fully shows that Poyang Lake locates at Wazhouzhou Station, Lijiadu The monthly runoff series of stations and Shuifengkeng stations all have obvious chaotic characteristics. Moreover, the calculation of maximum Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension shows that the monthly runoff of Poyang Lake into the lake is the most complex with the highest chaotic characteristic and the highest sensitivity to the initial value, followed by Lijiadu Station and Dufengkeng Station .