在大力拓展我国汽车工业的大市场中,精兵强将们立足神州大地,放眼五洲四海,携手拼搏,不断传来振奋人心的捷报。作为我国汽车工业生力军的兵器工业,在“以车为主,全面发展,增加效益,参与竞争”中,也正献智献勇,奋力前进! 本刊今年以来把焦点集中对准兵器工业调整、发展的基本思路,连续发表了有关汽车工业发展的文章,希望能从某些方面给读者一些启示,提供一些思考的问题,群策群力,使“中华车”在竞争激烈的国际市场上占领一席之地!
In vigorously expanding the large market of China’s automobile industry, the elite troops and their strongholds are based on the vast land of China and look at the continents and continents. As China’s armed forces in the automotive industry weapons industry, in the “car-based, all-round development, increase efficiency, participate in the competition,” is also dedicated Xiangyong Yong, move forward! This year we focus on weapons and equipment industry Adjustment and development of the basic idea of continuous published articles on the development of the automotive industry, hoping to give readers some inspiration from some aspects, to provide some thinking problems, work together so that “Chinese car ” in the highly competitive international market Occupation of a place!