应部分经销商和农民邀请,笔者于2010年8月5日到江苏省沛县胡寨镇进行调查。通过实地多点察看和现场听取介绍,初步认为:当地夏大豆田中的马唐(Digtaria adscendens)有可能对高效氟吡甲禾灵(高效盖草能)类药剂产生抗性,汇总
At the invitation of some dealers and peasants, the author went to Huzhai Town, Peixian County, Jiangsu Province on August 5, 2010 for investigation. Based on the field observations and on-site briefing, it is initially believed that Digtaria adscendens in local summer soybean fields are likely to be resistant to high-potency glufosinate-producing agents