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由中国腐蚀与防护学会、中国造船工程学会和中国石油学会联合主办的“海洋工程腐蚀与防护学术交流会”于一九八七年五月十六日至二十日在青岛市举行。会议由中国石油学会李章亚副秘书长主持,由中国腐蚀与防护学会理事长张文奇教授代表三个学会致开幕词。青岛市科委主任程友新同志在开幕式上讲了话。参加会议的还有三个学会、青岛市科协和来自全国各地的有关高等院校、科研、设计、生产和使用等101个单位180多名代表。会议收到论文109篇,其中腐蚀51篇阴极保护29篇、涂料29篇。会前按专业装订出版了论文集(四册)。在大会上宣读18篇,在四个小会上宣读81篇并进行了热烈而认真讨论、交流,学术思想活跃。由于论文紧密结合海洋工程实际,不但会上交流讨论,会下也积极主动磋商,沟通了研究院所和厂矿企业使用部门的联系。加强了各系统和部门的横向联合。会议为科技成果转化成生产力架起了桥粱。面向经济建设。尤其是石油学会还把石油部系统的与会代表召集在一起开了座谈会。不但谈了技术,还谈了如何把海上取得的科研成果应用在陆上油田防腐蚀等问题。会议为四化建设起到了学会应起的促进作用。 The Symposium on Corrosion and Protection of Marine Engineering jointly organized by the Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, China Shipbuilding Engineering Society and China Petroleum Society was held in Qingdao from May 16 to August 20, 1987. The conference was chaired by Li Zhangya, deputy secretary general of Chinese Petroleum Institute. Professor Zhang Wenqi, chairman of the Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, gave an opening speech on behalf of the three societies. Cheng Youxin, director of Qingdao Science and Technology Commission, spoke at the opening ceremony. There were also three associations attending the meeting, Qingdao Association for Science and Technology and more than 180 delegates from 101 institutes including universities, scientific research, design, production and use all over the country. The conference received 109 papers, including corrosion of 51 cathodic protection 29, paint 29. Pre-press professional binding published a collection of essays (four volumes). 18 were read out at the conference, 81 were read in four small sessions and were warmly discussed and exchanged enthusiastically with academic ideas active. Due to the close integration of the dissertation with the actuality of offshore engineering, not only exchanges and discussions will be held at the meeting, but discussions will also be held on the initiative and negotiation between the research institutes and factories and mines using the departments. The horizontal integration of all systems and departments has been strengthened. The conference set a bridge for transforming scientific and technological achievements into productive forces. Facing economic construction. In particular, the Petroleum Society also convened the symposium with the participants of the Ministry of Petroleum system. Not only talked about the technology, but also talked about how to apply scientific research made at sea on the anti-corrosion of onshore oilfields. Meeting for the four modernizations played a learning role should play a catalytic role.
朱利安·巴恩斯(Julian Barnes,1946~),英国当代著名作家。1946年生于英格兰中部的列斯特,1968年从牛津大学毕业,曾参与《牛津辞典增补本》的编纂工作,做过多年的文学编辑和
“第五届国际复杂地层钻探研讨会”于 2 0 0 1年 6月 11~ 15日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡矿业学院召开 ,参加会议的代表有来自美国、加拿大、德国、中国以及独联体国家等近 10 0人 ,共
本文作者 Neill Ganger现为英国收藏与拍卖商家斯宾克(Spink)公司的邮票部门专家,文内所谈虽是一个老话题,但在我国邮刊尚不多见。现由唐无忌同志翻译、刘广实同志作较详细的
20 0 0年 4月经教育部批准原西安公路交通大学、西安工程学院、西北建筑工程学院合并组建长安大学。长安大学直属教育部 ,是国家 2 1 1工程重点建设的高校之一。水资源与环境
<正> 《李新魁音韵学论集》,汕头大学出版社1997年10月出版,大32开精装本553页,凡39.2万字,为汕大出版社策划出版的"20世纪潮人文化萃英(丛书)"之一种。是书收录论文29篇,大致可以分为音韵学研究和方言学研究两大类。重要篇目如《上古音"之"部及其发展》、《论侯鱼两部的关系及其发展》、《从方言读音看上古汉语入声韵的复韵尾》、《论〈切韵〉系统中床禅的分合》、《论〈广韵〉音系的三等韵》、《宋代汉语声母系统研究》、《宋代汉语韵母研究》、《再论〈中原音韵〉的"人派三声"》、《近代汉语全浊