到目前为止,科学家已从植物体内分离出70多种赤霉素,“920”也是赤霉素的一种,是赤霉素中生理活性最强,在农业生产中应用最广泛的生长调节剂之一。 “920”纯品为无色结晶,难溶于水,但易溶于醇类,配制时可先用少量的酒精或高度白酒将其溶解,然后再加水稀释到所需浓度。“920”在较低温度和酸性条件下比较稳定,遇碱会因中和而失效,故不能和碱性农药混用。现将“920”在几种蔬菜上的应用介绍如下: 1.花椰菜 用100ppim“920”溶液,在花椰菜长到6~8
So far, scientists have isolated more than 70 kinds of gibberellins from plants, “920” is also a kind of gibberellin, gibberellin is the most physiologically active, the most widely used in agricultural production growth regulator one. “920” pure product is a colorless crystal, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, the preparation can be a small amount of alcohol or a high degree of liquor to dissolve, and then diluted with water to the desired concentration. “920” is relatively stable at lower temperature and acidic conditions, case of alkali will be due to neutralization and failure, it can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides. Now “920” in the application of several vegetables are described below: 1. Cauliflower with 100ppim “920” solution, grown in cauliflower 6 to 8