素食主义者,每天穿黑色套头衫,大二退学,在硅谷创办一家高科技公司,梦想通过技术创新改变每个人的生活。这是谁?答案不是乔布斯,而是伊丽莎白·霍尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。她19岁那年研发出新一代验血技术并申请专利,紧接着创办了公司Theranos。Theranos现有700多名员工,估值约90亿美元。伊丽莎白掌握的股权占一半以上,30岁刚出头就以45亿美元的身家成为“美国最年轻的白手起家女亿万富翁”。梦想家、工作狂、相信技术能改变世界,年纪轻轻就获得令人瞩目的财富与成功,媒体总拿她跟乔布斯比。但见过这两人的美国前国防部长佩里指出:“这种比较并不完整。
Vegetarians, wearing black jumpers every day, sophomore dropouts, founding a high-tech company in Silicon Valley, dream of changing everybody’s life through technological innovation. Who is this? The answer is not Jobs, but Elizabeth Holmes. At the age of 19, she developed a new generation of blood test technology and applied for a patent, followed by the founder Theranos. Theranos now has more than 700 employees valued at about $ 9 billion. Elizabeth holds more than half of the equity stake, just 30-year-old to 4.5 billion US dollars to become ”the youngest self-made female billionaire in the United States.“ Dreamer, workaholic, believe that technology can change the world, young at an impressive wealth and success, the media always take her with Jobs than. But Perry, the former U.S. defense secretary who has seen both men, said: ”This comparison is not complete.