Industrial Spatial Agglomeration Using Distance-based Approach in Beijing, China

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhenx06
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To study the difference of industrial location among different industries, this article is to test the spatial agglomeration across industries and firm sizes at the city level. Our research bases on a unique plant-level data set of Beijing and employs a distance-based approach, which considers space as continuous. Unlike previous studies, we set two sets of references for service and manufacturing industries respectively to adapt to the investigation in the intra-urban area. Comparing among eight types of industries and different firm sizes, we find that: 1) producer service, high-tech industries and labor-intensive manufacturing industries are more likely to cluster, whereas personal service and capital-intensive industries tend to be randomly dispersed in Beijing; 2) the spillover of the co-location of firms is more important to knowledge-intensive industries and has more significant impact on their allocation than business-oriented services in the intra-urban area; 3) the spatial agglomeration of service industries are driven by larger establishments, whereas manufacturing industries are mixed. To study the difference of industrial location among different industries, this article is to test the spatial agglomeration across industries and firm sizes at the city level. Our research bases on a unique plant-level data set of Beijing and employs a distance-based approach, which considers space as continuous. Yet previous studies, we set two sets of references for service and manufacturing industries respectively to adapt to the investigation in the intra-urban area. Comparing among eight types of industries and different firm sizes, we find that: 1 producer service, high-tech industries and labor-intensive manufacturing industries are more likely to cluster, where personal service and capital-intensive industries tend to be distributed dispersed in Beijing; 2) the spillover of the co-location of firms is more important to knowledge-intensive industries and has more significant impact on their allocation than business-oriented services in the intra-urban area; 3) the spatial ag glomeration of service industries are driven by larger establishments, an example of manufacturing industries are mixed.
本文报道了1986年6月18日—7月3日厦门西港区一次裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sp )引起的赤潮的跟踪观测结果,阐述了本次赤潮的基本特征及其与生境的相互关系,讨论了赤潮的成因和监测
利用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射仪及冲击试验机研究了运行165 000 h后F12钢的脆化现象。结果表明,高温运行后F12钢马氏体基体发生分解细化,M23C6在晶界
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