1927年3月31日,时任国民革命军总政治部副主任的郭沫若,撰写了讨蒋檄文《请看今日之蒋介石》。文章的发表犹如惊雷,引起社会各界激烈的反响。 曾被人戏谑为蒋介石“吹号的”郭沫若,因何与蒋介石反目直至决裂,最后奋笔疾书,撰写讨蒋檄文呢? 镇压工农 显露杀机 随着北伐的胜利进军,蒋介石的势力日益膨胀。北伐军攻下南昌后,他自觉羽翼已经丰满,更加独裁霸道,以军干政,无所顾忌。在挑起迁都之争失败后,蒋决心放弃接受苏联的援助,与武汉国民党左派决裂,开始投入帝国主义怀抱。
On March 31, 1927, Guo Moruo, then deputy director of the National Revolutionary Army’s general political department, wrote a book titled “To See Today’s Chiang Kai-shek.” Publication of the article is like a thunder, causing a fierce reaction from all walks of life. Chiang Kai-shek’s “trumpeter” was once jokingly flouting for Chiang Kai-shek until his break-up. Finally, he wrote a book and wrote about Chiang Kai-shek. Suppression of the Workers and Peasants Revealed Murderous With the victory of the Northern Expedition, Chiang Kai-shek’s forces have been expanding. After the Northern Expeditionary Army captured Nanchang, he consciously had plump wings, more dictatorial hegemony, and army-led politics without any scruples. After provoking the defeat of the capital relocation, Jiang was determined to abandon its aid from the Soviet Union and broke away from the left wing of the Wuhan Kuomintang party and began to embark on the arms of imperialism.