Evaluation of contrast-enhanced helical hydro-CT in staging gastric cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luo_123
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AIM:To discuss the helical computed tomography (CT) characteristics of gastric cancer and evaluate the diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced helical hydro-CT (HHCT) in staging gastric cancer. METHODS:A total of 50 patients with gastric cancer were included in this study. The CT findings in them were retrospectively analyzed and correlated with pathologic findings at surgery. All patients were preoperatively imaged by plain and contrast-enhanced helical CT after orally ingesting 1 000-1 500 mL water. Peristalsis was minimized by intravenous administration of spasmolytics. RESULTS:The foci of gastric cancer became more prominent in all the 50 patients and showed strong enhancement in contrast-enhanced HHCT. The tumor was located at the gastric cardia in 14 cases, at the gastric fundus in 3 cases, at the gastric body in 8 cases, at the gastric antrum in 4 cases, at the gastric fundus and the body in 8 cases, at the gastric body and antrum in 11 cases, and at three segments of the stomach in 2 cases. The CT features of gastric cancer were focal or diffuse mural thickening, soft tissue mass, cancerous ulcer, stenosis of stomach, infiltration to adjacent tissues, lymph node and distant metastases. Strong contrast enhancement of the gastric wall was closely related to gastric cancer. The accuracy rate of contrast-enhanced HHCT in staging gastric cancer was 86% (43/50). The detection rate of lymph node metastases by CT was 60% (12/20). CONCLUSION:Contrast-enhanced HHCT is a reliable method to diagnose and stage gastric cancer. AIM: To discuss the helical computed tomography (CT) characteristics of gastric cancer and evaluate the diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced helical hydro-CT (HHCT) in staging gastric cancer. METHODS: A total of 50 patients with gastric cancer were included in this study. The CT findings in them were retrospectively analyzed and correlated with pathologic findings at surgery. All patients were preoperatively imaged by plain and contrast-enhanced helical CT after orally ingesting 1 000-1 500 mL water. Peristalsis was minimized by intravenous administration of spasmolytics . RESULTS: The foci of gastric cancer became more prominent in all the 50 patients and showed strong enhancement in contrast-enhanced HHCT. The tumor was located at the gastric cardia in 14 cases, at the gastric fundus in 3 cases, at the gastric body in 8 cases, at the gastric antrum in 4 cases, at the gastric fundus and the body in 8 cases, at the gastric body and antrum in 11 cases, and at three segments of the stomach in 2 cases. The CT features of gastric cancer were focal or diffuse mural thickening, soft tissue mass, cancerous ulcer, stenosis of stomach, infiltration to adjacent tissues, lymph node and distant metastases. Strong contrast enhancement of the gastric wall was closely related to gastric cancer. The accuracy rate of contrast-enhanced HHCT in staging gastric cancer was 86% (43/50). The detection rate of lymph node metastases by CT was 60% (12/20). CONCLUSION: Contrast-enhanced HHCT is a reliable method to diagnose and stage gastric cancer.
关于临界胶束浓度cmc(critical micelle concentration)与饱和吸附Г’_(2∞)的关系,一般物理化学教材中描述为:“当表面活性剂(SAA)的浓度足够大时,溶液表面吸附达饱和,表
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细长轴由于其刚性差,加工时容易弯曲和振动,高速切削难度较大。笔者根据多年的实际经验,对细长轴的高速切削加工作了一些总结,现介绍如下。1工艺过程 (1)检查毛坯弯曲度,如
电池电动势法测定水的离子积常数,可以用有液接界电池如: 该电池的计算前提是假设接界电势完全被消除,经导出(从略)的计算公式为: E_(电池)=(RT/F)ln((α_(H~+)·α_(OH~-))/