一个不断探索,勇于创新的艺术家,一个还无法摆脱买菜、做饭并为两个孩子操心的家庭主妇,这可说是一幅交织着理想与责任感,才华与劳动,喜悦与烦恼的我国中年女知识分子的速写,她就是上海青年话剧团的舞美设计李汝兰。近几年来,她成了上海剧坛最为引人注目的舞台美术家。她的作品不落俗套,充满新意,并能产生一种冲击波,激起同行们的赞叹、讨论甚至异议。如果一个艺术作品既不能获得热情的评论,又不能激起人们评论的热情,它的存在又有什么价值呢! 李汝兰是上海戏剧学院1957届的本科毕业生。如
An artist who is continually exploring and innovative, a housewife who can not get away from shopping, cooking and worrying about two children, can be described as an interwoven idealism and sense of responsibility, talent and labor, joy and worry in our country The sketches of young women intellectuals, she is the Shanghai Youth Repertory Theater, the United States and dance design Li Rulan. In recent years, she has become the most striking stage artist in the Shanghai theater. Her work is unconventional, full of new ideas, and can produce a shock wave, aroused the praise of their colleagues, discussion and even objections. Li Renlan is a 1957 undergraduate student at the Shanghai Theater Academy if a work of art can neither win warm comments nor inspire people’s comments. Such as