采用脉冲激光沉积方法在不同衬底温度下制备了最高硬度与弹性模量分别达45 GPa和290GPa,且表面十分光滑的类金刚石薄膜。在相对湿度为80%的条件下,薄膜最低的摩擦系数与磨损率分别为0.045与5.74×10-10mm3.N-1.m-1。实验结果表明,硬度与弹性模量随衬底温度升高而降低,摩擦系数与磨损率随衬底温度升高而增大。拉曼光谱表明:在室温下制备的薄膜为典型类金刚石结构,sp3含量高达76.8%,而随温度升高,薄膜结构逐渐经无定形碳结构向纳米晶石墨结构方向发展,sp3含量也随之降低,力学性能变差。
Pulsed laser deposition was used to fabricate diamond-like carbon films with the highest hardness and elastic modulus of 45 GPa and 290 GPa at different substrate temperatures, respectively, and the surface was very smooth. Under the condition of relative humidity of 80%, the lowest coefficient of friction and wear rate of the film are 0.045 and 5.74 × 10-10mm3.N-1.m-1 respectively. The experimental results show that the hardness and elastic modulus decrease with the increase of the substrate temperature, and the friction coefficient and the wear rate increase with the substrate temperature. Raman spectra show that the film prepared at room temperature is a typical diamond-like structure with a sp3 content as high as 76.8%. With the increase of temperature, the film structure gradually proceeds toward the nanocrystalline graphite structure through the amorphous carbon structure. The sp3 content also follows Reduce, poor mechanical properties.