金庸是海宁袁花人,他在《书剑恩仇录》中有一段描写月光下观看钱塘江潮的文字:“这时潮声愈响,两人话声渐被淹没,只见远处有一条白线,在月光下缓缓移来。蓦然间寒意逼人,白线越来越近,声势雄伟已极。潮水越近,声音越响,真似百万大军冲锋,于金鼓齐鸣中一往无前。” 我的老家也在海宁,就在离袁花镇很近的黄湾镇,那是钱塘江的一个湾口,据说是海宁潮的起点。爷爷奶奶居住的小村庄就座落在被
Jin Yong Huan Ning Yuan Huaren, he in the “Book of Swords Enchantress” in the description of the moonlight watching the Qiantang River tide text: “At this time the tide more and more, the two voices gradually submerged, I saw the distance There is a white line, slowly moving in the moonlight. Suddenly chill pressing, white line closer and closer, the momentum has been extremely majestic. The tide is more recent, the louder the sound, it seems like a million army charge, . ”My hometown is also in Haining, just off Huangwan Town near Yuanhua Town, a bay mouth of the Qiantang River which is said to be the starting point of the Haining Tide. Small village where grandparents lived was seated