笔者在基层医院从事药房工作已有26年,现将工作中所遇到问题作简要分析。1 存在的问题1.1 药房药品管理不规范 如有的内服、外用药混放一起,有的精神药品等特殊药品不与普通药分开,将“麻毒专柜”存放其他物品;药房冰箱内放置饮料等食品。药房进药计划性不强,造成药品有的积压有的缺货,药房主管人员对药品的数量、质量及有效期心中无数等等。
I have been working in pharmacies for over 26 years in grass-root hospitals. I will briefly analyze the problems encountered in my work. 1 problems 1.1 non-standard pharmacy drug management If oral administration, topical mixed together, and some psychotropic drugs and other special drugs are not separated from ordinary drugs, the “toxic counters” to store other items; pharmacy refrigerator to place drinks and so on food. Pharmacy into medicine planning is not strong, resulting in some backlog of drugs out of stock, the number of pharmacy executives on the number of drugs, the quality and validity of mind numerous and so on.