蜂形透翅蛾属(Sphecia Hubner. 1827)世界记载7种,包括我国西部2种,现增记一新种,为青海省杨树的主要蛀干害虫。杨干透翅蛾Sphecia siningensis n. sp.(图1—7) 雌蛾:翅展38—43毫米。额灰紫色,两侧白色。头顶复毛前为红黄色,中为白色,后为灰黑毛。触角棒状,暗红褐色,背面着黑鳞,顶端有褐色小毛束。领片黄色,中胸紫黑色,两侧中后部有黄色长毛,后胸被青黄色长毛。翅基片中部黄色,前缘黑色,杂生红褐色毛,后端具红褐色和灰紫色长毛。腹部第1—2节黑色,第2节着红褐色及暗黄色短毛;第
There are 7 species recorded in the world, including 2 species in the west of our country, and now a new species of the genus Benthic is the main stem borer of the poplar in Qinghai Province. Yang dry moth Sphecia siningensis n. Sp. (Figure 1-7) Female moth: wingspan 38-43 mm. The amount of gray purple, white on both sides. Complex hair before the head is red and yellow, in the white, gray hair after. Rod antennae, dark reddish brown, with black scales on the back, the top of a small brown hair bundle. Leading film yellow, purple chest in the chest, both sides of the yellow hair in the back, the chest was cyan hair. Central wing yellow base, black front, miscellaneous reddish brown hair, back with reddish-brown and gray-purple hairy. Abdomen section 1-2 black, section 2 with reddish brown and dark yellow short hairs;