Syngenta has dismissed the assertion by the group of U.S. environmentalists that it may have unlawfully suppressed the findings of a survey that showed the adverse effects caused by the widespread use of the atrazine herbicide atrazine. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has asked the EPA to conduct a criminal investigation into Syngenta’s activities and withdraw the atrazine from the market. One of the surveys selected by NRDC was conducted by the company’s manufacturing facility in St. Gabriel, Louisiana, which showed the link between atrazine and prostate cancer among workers in the manufacturing plant. The second survey was conducted by Researchers at the University of California conducted a study that found that exposure to low levels of atrazine in laboratories can cause sexual changes in African crawling frogs. Syngenta insisted it had routinely shared with the EPA the results of the health and safety monitoring of its employees at the St. Gabriel Plant, which the company states that when it comes from the plant and others