阳泉矿务局四矿是有50年开采史的老矿。随着井下巷道的不断延伸,堆积在煤矿周围的1300多万吨煤矸石也日积月累,形成了一座座煤矸石山在那里自燃。 煤矸石自燃释放出大量的二氧化硫、一氧化碳等有毒有害气体,使工作在排矸场上的排矸工人双眼红肿流泪、喉头发炎、呼吸困难,一次次送往医院抢救。煤矸石山周围的绿色树木、草地植被大面积枯死,被称为“麻雀都飞不过去”的地方。
The Yangquan Mining Bureau Fourth Mine is an old mine with a history of 50 years of mining. With the continuous extension of underground tunnels, more than 13 million tons of coal gangue accumulated around coal mines have accumulated over time, forming a coal gangue hill where spontaneous combustion occurs. Spontaneous combustion of coal gangue releases a large amount of toxic and harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, so that the drainage workers on the drainage farms have red eyes, swelling and tears, throat inflammation, and difficulty in breathing. They are sent to the hospital again and again. The green trees and grassy vegetation around the coal gangue hill are dead over a large area, and they are known as places where the sparrows can’t fly.