1998年7月,年逾古稀的克莱尔和她的丈夫——法国前部长、克莱蒙费朗市前市长罗歇·基约决定共赴死亡之约。但克莱尔经抢救后意外生还。以下是《巴黎竞赛》杂志记者对她的采访。记者:这桩奇异的事件使很多法国人感到震惊。您和罗歇这对结合了50年的夫妻在去年夏天双双选择死亡,而您被救活了。是死神不愿接受您吧? 克莱尔:我有什么办法呢?这不是我的错。我们留了一封信,请求不要对我们进行抢救。但我还是生还了,这使我在两个世界间进退两难。我一时还不想再死,因为我有些事要做,这是我对罗歇应尽的义务。
In July 1998, the over-aged Claire and her husband, France’s former minister, and former mayor of Clermont-Ferrand, Roche Kyjos, decided to go to death. However, after the rescue Claire accidentally survived. Here’s an interview with a reporter from Paris Contest. Reporter: This bizarre incident shocked many French people. You and Rochelle, both married for 50 years, both chose to die last summer, and you were saved. Really willing to accept you? Claire: What can I do? This is not my fault. We left a letter requesting that we do not rescue us. But I still survived, which put me in a dilemma between the two worlds. I do not want to die for a moment, because I have something to do, this is my obligation to Roche.