目前交换机间大多采用No 7信令方式 ,No 7信令系统的稳定性对网络的安全至关重要 ,因此应尽量避免由于No 7信令系统过负荷导致交换机间通信阻断的发生。现国内长途网交换机以及许多本地网市话局都采用上海贝尔S12程控交换系统 ,本文着重讨论S12交换机几种No ?
At present, most switches use No 7 signaling. The stability of No 7 signaling system is crucial to the network security. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the blockage of communication between switches due to No 7 signaling overload. Now domestic long distance network switches and many local telephone network are using Shanghai Bell S12 program-controlled switching system, this article focuses on S12 switches several No?